It’s possible to use Live Face tracking within Reblium Studio, using ARkit supported device and Live Link Face application.

Live Link Face App setup

Step 1:

Ensure that both your phone and computer are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Step 2:

Copy your computer's assigned IP address (unique for each PC, see image below) and enter it into the Epic Games Live Link App settings under “Target”

Computer’s IP address (In red), found in Windows Network & Internet settings.

Computer’s IP address (In red), found in Windows Network & Internet settings.

Step 3:

Rename the default subject name to: "Reblium."

In the Live Link Face application, rename the Subject name to Reblium, this is also where the IP address of the computer is added.

Settings Menu - Settings inside the application (iOS)

Settings Menu - Settings inside the application (iOS)